Hi there! My name is Folkert van der Molen and I am a software developer from The Netherlands. I have over 10 years of experience working with ASP.NET, C#, T-SQL, HTML, CSS/SASS and Javascript.
The idea to start this blog came after facing the fact that I was falling behind on the ever-continuing developments in my field of technology. I’m now trying to catch up with new architectures, frameworks and syntaxes. In high school, I remember someone telling me that you only really understand a subject when you can explain it to someone else. So hopefully, my articles will help you and myself. A win-win!
Now, I’m absolutely no god or a living legend. I’m learning every day. Feel free to participate in the conversation. I would like to know you thoughts! You can find me on Twitter, Github or leave a comment below the articles. Please do!
Leavin’ this one for reference. I see you can style these alerts or prompts with some kind of syntax. Add Markdown syntax content to file
and it will show up on this page.